Types of Depression Explained by the Psychiatrist in Bhopal
Nowadays due to low self-esteem, physical abuse, mental abuse, or any other reason, every 1 in 5 is getting affected by depression. Therefore it is high time to treat depression as a disease so that everyone can feel free to talk about it without hesitation. Let’s start focusing on mental health before it is too late. Below are some types of depression and if you feel that you are going through any of the symptoms then no need to panic or hesitate. Feel free to discuss it with us as we are here to take you out from the dark side of your life. We assure you to provide the best depression treatment in Bhopal.
Types of Depression
1) Major Depressive Disorder: Sadness is a part of life but it remains for a particular interval of time. The cause of this sadness can be losing someone close to you or if you are facing some major challenges in life. It is ok to be sad but if this sadness continues for an extended interval of time then it might be major depressive disorder and needs immediate depression treatment.
2) Persistent Depressive Disorder: Also known as dysthymia, is a low-level depression that is chronic in nature and may last for 2 or more years. In this, a person goes through a feeling of intense sadness with hopelessness. Some other symptoms are low energy and the inability to make a decision quickly. Being the best depression treatment in Bhopal we are always here for you to discuss such issues.
3) Bipolar Disorder: It is a mental disorder which is also known as manic depression as it includes an extremely elevated mood symptom called mania. There is no such cure for this but many depression treatment options are provided by us which will surely help people to recover and manage the symptoms.
4) Seasonal Depression: If you are suffering from this kind of depression then your mood will get affected by the change in seasons. It can be said as Major depressive disorder with seasonal changes.
5) Postpartum Depression: This is caused due to hormonal changes after childbirth. Symptoms include lack of sleep, mood swings, sadness, and pressure of taking care of baby and hence known as “baby blues”.
6) Psychotic Depression: It is a combination of bipolar disorder or Major depressive depression with hallucinations or delusions. It is the most severe form of depression and the patients admitted to hospitals due to depression comes under this category.